Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Sprue Cutters Union #6: Can't Make Me!

This week, the Sprue Cutter's Union asks a question I originally thought I could have alot of fun with answering, however, after giving the issue further thought, I discovered my answers were actually somewhat boring.

- What will never make its way on to your workbench? -

I've pondered this question for days now, and the conclusion I came to was this: I can't honestly say there is anything I won't try. At least once, anyway. 
Now, don't get me wrong here, there are some things I truly would rather eat a bowl of broken glass than force myself to work on (vacuum form kits spring to mind), but even then, if the subject is right, or the commission is good enough, they will see my workbench. That said, I suppose instead of answering this question as "what will never make it's way on to your workbench?" I'll respond as "What would you rather not see on your workbench?"

1.) Vacuum form kits. I absolutely hate these things. I really do. Not only are most of them expensive, they are crudely detailed, and a pain in the ass to work on due to numerous factors including the thinness of the material and the work involved to clean up the parts.

2.) Mega kits. You know the ones I'm talking about. Those kits where the parts just never end, like SOAR Art's DORA railway gun with it's epic 3,000 parts. They're not bad kits by any means, they just bog me down because they seem to go on, and on, and...

3.) Anime figures. This is one that has nothing to do with parts or quality. I just have ZERO interest in the subject matter, and you know how it is, no interest equals stressful project. 

4.) Planes. I absolutely HATE filling seams and re-scribing detail. Period. In my experience aircraft of any type seem to be the worst offenders for needing epic amounts of both, therefore I avoid them like the plague if I can. 

5.) Ships. This one kind of falls into the category of "mega kits." It's not that I don't like ships, actually there's many I would like to build, they just take so long to finish I end up exhausted and feel like I'm treading water whenever I attempt one. (no pun intended.)

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