Monday, August 19, 2013

Sprue Cutters Union #4: FML Moments

In response to a question asked on The Combat Workshop blog, I've decided to put together a list of the top "FML" moments from my modeling career. These are the moments that make you tear your hair out, maybe even make you cry... or carpet bomb the house with a barrage of words that start with the letter F. So without further adieu, lets start the FML countdown with...

Black paint on a white carpet!

I can't think of another thing more jaw dropping than this. Especially when it was caused by my own stupidity. This is how it went down: I needed to paint something flat black. The lid was stuck. Instead of thinking about it logically, I thought it would be a good idea to put the little glass bottle in a bench vice and crack the lid with a pliers. BAD IDEA! Instead of the lid coming off, the pressure shattered the entire bottle, spraying black paint all over my workbench, my legs, and my off white carpet. Despite the fact that it was acrylic (thank God) and washed up mostly with soapy water, there was forever a gray stain to remind me to never put a paint jar in a vice again.

The leaning tower of paint stand...

Number two has caught me with my pants down at least a few times. This is the one where you have a freshly painted car body on a makeshift wire hanger stand. It's glass smooth and dust free, ready for the drying period before polishing- but gravity makes it's presence known and the whole thing falls over. Picking it back up to see your body encrusted with chips, dirt, and leaves... It's enough to make a grown man cry.

Final assembly issues.

With this one, I'm not talking about minor things like a tiny spot of glue on a windshield. No, I'm talking bigger.. way bigger. Say mounting a custom body to the chassis and stresses in the assembly crack the entire bumper off. The one you spent days massaging with Bondo and sandpaper until it was perfect. And to add insult to injury the only means of repairing the damage is to strip your custom lacquer paint job and start from scratch.. FML

Dropping a completed build

Last but not least, this one needs no explanation really. Picking up a model to dust it or move it, and your butterfingers drop it onto the floor, shattering it into a million pieces.

I'm sure there's plenty more to tell. Some I've probably forgotten, others I've simply blocked out because of the trauma involved.  I hope there are no more added to the list for future posts, but we all know where scale models are concerned, Murphy's law is king.


  1. Nice! Definitely encountered those issue before! I'll add this post to the collection for last weeks topic. If you want to join the Union, just shoot me the link to your response post so I can add it to all the others!

    1. Here's the link
