Monday, May 20, 2013

May Update

It's been quite some time since I last posted, so I thought I would post up a small update on what's been going on. I'll be brutally honest, I haven't touched anything plastic in better than three months. Now that summer is upon us, so is the heat and humidity which has turned my shop int. a sweat box. It's actually become painfully uncomfortable to work down there which is one of the main reasons I've been avoiding it. Add that to the seemingly endless stream of stinging insects that have grown to call my paint shop home, and you have a recipe for a completely apathetic view toward all things modelling related.
    All is not lost however. I do have plans in the works for something big. Something I've been putting off for numerous years because I felt my skills weren't up to par and I never had the time. This project is so big as a matter of fact, I'll be devoting an entire sub-section of the site to it when I finally get things under way. As far as what this project is exactly...  That will be kept under wraps until I finally get started, whenever that may be.


  1. Not good to hear about insects invading and that you have a sauna that many would pay to Good luck with the new project when you get to it.

    1. The spiders are the worst offenders. I have a series of metal shelves containing bulk sheet styrene, CA, kicker, etc.. If I leave them sit any longer than a day, those shelves will become a nest of daddy longlegs and who knows what else. Last night I swept a black widow out of there and had to empty all my styrene bins because they were full of the eight-legged little devils.

    2. And the paint shop problem is a giant hornet infestation along with a colony of red ants that decided to build a mound nearby. I've been bombing them with Raid, but it hasn't seemed to quell the problem as of yet, rather it just seems to make them angry.
