Friday, May 31, 2013

W.I.P SERIES: Academy M1A1 Abrams Part III Mine Plow (Part 1)

Part I
Part II

With the basic lower hull complete for the most part it was time to move on to the mine plow assembly. I had both a Trumpeter 5 in 1 Abrams which includes a mine plow and a stand alone Dragon track width mine plow on hand and after looking over the instructions of both I decided the best coarse of action would be to cannibalize parts from both in to a useable plow. It seemed early on this would be a fairly straight forward assembly, however this 60 piece mini kit quickly escalated in to an almost month long ordeal. Poor parts quality coupled with confusing instructions gave me a migraine more than a few times and made me want to throw it against a wall and beat it with a 20lb sledge for good measure. In the end I persevered and "War Pig" will have it's plow.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

On the hunt for content

Yet another very short entry coming today. As you are aware, I haven't been able to keep up material on the site as much as I would like, however, I am always willing to take content submissions and guest entries from outside. If you or anybody you know would like to contribute material to the Havoc Models site, simply send your photos along with your name and whatever you would like to write about your chosen subject to and I will post it to the site. I'm also in the market for helpful tips and techniques, kit reviews, and news about new products, especially from aftermarket companies.

Content submission guidelines:

NO inflammatory subjects.This includes subjects of a politically charged or religious nature and sexually explicit images. I would rather not post nudity, but if your subject includes a pinup or something along those lines, please keep it tasteful.

Reviews: Please include photos of the following:

Kit box
Instruction sheet
All parts trees
Kit number
Parts Count (if available)


All photographs should be in .jpg or .jpeg format, preferably taken against a neutral background.

All submissions are subject to review and editing by the Havoc Models staff.

Monday, May 20, 2013

May Update

It's been quite some time since I last posted, so I thought I would post up a small update on what's been going on. I'll be brutally honest, I haven't touched anything plastic in better than three months. Now that summer is upon us, so is the heat and humidity which has turned my shop int. a sweat box. It's actually become painfully uncomfortable to work down there which is one of the main reasons I've been avoiding it. Add that to the seemingly endless stream of stinging insects that have grown to call my paint shop home, and you have a recipe for a completely apathetic view toward all things modelling related.
    All is not lost however. I do have plans in the works for something big. Something I've been putting off for numerous years because I felt my skills weren't up to par and I never had the time. This project is so big as a matter of fact, I'll be devoting an entire sub-section of the site to it when I finally get things under way. As far as what this project is exactly...  That will be kept under wraps until I finally get started, whenever that may be.